Active Solicitations

If you download a Request for Proposal (RFP) or Invitation to Bid (ITB) from this page, you must register to be placed on the planholders list for that project and to receive subsequent addenda. Every effort will be made by the Agency to insure that Offereors/Bidders Receive all addenda when issued. Addenda may be issued by any reasonable method asuch as mail, telefacsimile, express delivery service, and electronic posting to this website. It is the Offereors's/Bidder's resposibility to insure that all addenda affecting the solicitation have been received. No protest will be allowed based on the Offereor's/Bidder's allegation that all the addenda for a RFP/ITB were not received.

To Self Register click on the Planholders Link beneath the solicitation number of the project you are interested in. This will take you the page where you can Self Register. If you need assistance please contact the respective Procurement Officer.

Estimated Range$50,000 and $100,000
ProjectBradley Lake Probable Maximum Loss (PML)
DescriptionThe Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) is soliciting proposals for a qualified and accredited Contractor to complete the following scope of work: Perform an Earthquake Probable Maximum Loss (PML) study for the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric project.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Published Date: 02/14/2025 Due Date: 02/28/2025 @ 2:00pm Alaska Time
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 25038- IRFP-Bradley Lake Probable Maximum Loss Study.pdf
Plan Holders Registration Plan Holders List

Estimated Range$100,000 or less
ProjectKwethluk Generator & Cooler Purchase
DescriptionAlaska Energy Authority (AEA) is soliciting bids to purchase commodities as indicated in Appendix A Specifications.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Published Date: 02/07/2025 Due Date: 03/04/2025 @ 2:00pm Alaska Time
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 25028 Kwethluk Generator and Cooler Purchase 2-10-25.pdf
Plan Holders Registration Plan Holders List

Estimated Range100,000 or less
ProjectKwethluk Padmount Transformer Purchase
DescriptionAlaska Energy Authority (AEA) is soliciting bids to purchase commodities as indicated in Appendix A.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Published Date: 02/07/2025 Due Date: 03/04/2025 @ 2:00pm Alaska Time
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: RFQ 25029 Kwethluk Padmount Transformer Purchase.pdf
Plan Holders Registration Plan Holders List

Estimated Range$50,000.00
ProjectFront Office Utility Training/Training-Itinerant Electric
DescriptionThe Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) is looking to provide Itinerant Electric Utility Management and Clerk training/technical assistance for specific Rural Alaska Electric Utilities. There have been fifty-four communities identified as eligible under this specific funding to receive this training/technical assistance. The Technical Assistance and training, provided by the contractor, is intended to assist the utility staff to become experienced with the best practices for managing their Electric utility and maximizing the PCE subsidy for the benefit of their customers. The Contractor will provide classroom instruction in Seward, Alaska at the AVTEC facility.
Procurement OfficerRachael Holly
Published Date: 12/05/2024 Due Date: 01/03/2025 @ 2PM AKST
Addendum Posted: Addendum #01:
The iRFQ Due date is hereby changed to January 03, 2025 at 2 PM AKST.
Attachments: 25026 - iRFQ - FINAL.pdf
25026 - Addendum #01 - FINAL.pdf
Plan Holders Registration Plan Holders List